Friday, May 25, 2007

a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars turned 30 years old. That's so hard to believe! I remember seeing all the movies in the theater except the first one...I was too young. Although I did see it when they were re-released a few years back. There's a Star Wars special that's on The History Channel on Monday that looks pretty interesting. Check it out if you get a chance. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

2 month pics

Here are the 2 month photos I promised.

We went to the doctor yesterday for her check-up and she is now 10 lbs. 9 oz. and 22 3/4 inches long. She's getting a little long for some of her 0-3 month clothes already. But don't worry...clothes is not something she is lacking! I just love it when I get a picture of her smiling. It's so cute! The one of her sneezing is pretty adorable as well!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

7 years ago today...

Fred and I were married. I can't believe seven years has passed by already. It seems like yesterday that we were talking about having kids and now we have two.
Here's the card I made for Fred. I've had this paper for months and finally got around to using it.

Fred thought the flowers from last weekend weren't enough so I received some more yesterday. Aren't they beautiful?

Well, we didn't do a whole lot for our anniversary. Donna offered to come and watch the kids and we went out for Mexican food. We split this yummy dessert. The waiter melted brandy butter in a fajita pan then added this big brownie and topped it with vanilla ice cream. So delicious!

Reagan was two months old on Saturday. She's getting so big so fast. When I hold her, I can definitely tell the difference between now and when she was born. She's finding great interest in her hands. She stares at them, puts them in her mouth and makes the cutest little noises. I'll post some new pictures later.

Monday, May 14, 2007

flowers and more flowers

I forgot to mention Fred sent me flowers Saturday, but they sent the wrong arrangement. This one:

I called this morning and they redelivered the right one and told me to keep the first one they sent. So now I have two flower arrangements sitting on the kitchen bar. Aren't they beautiful!

I have such a wonderful husband!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy mom's day!

I had a really nice Mother's Day today. Fred and the kiddos took me to brunch at 11:00am. We just went to a local restaurant where I had a mixed green salad with goat cheese, pine nuts and some kind of vinegarette. Then I had crab cakes with whipped ginger sweet potatoes and sauteed spinach. Delish! Later on we went to my brother-in-law, Sean's, house for Fred's mom, Donna, where we also had strawberry shortcake. Overall, it was a very plesant day!

Reagan has been going longer between feedings lately. It's so nice! I can sort of sleep in until 5:30am or so before she's hungry again. Oh, how I have longed for a full night's sleep!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

six weeks

I'm a couple of days late in publishing this post, but Reagan was six weeks old on Monday. The past couple of nights she has been going a little longer between feedings...thank goodness! Overall, she's been really good. She started to smile a little bit last week and is smiling a lot more this week. After feeding her last night, I was all ready to put her back down and go back to sleep, but she wanted to sit up and look at me and smile. How could I resist? So I stayed up for a bit while this precious baby looked at me a smiled! Here are a couple of pics from Monday.

I took this one last night right after I gave her a bath, during which she cried the entire time. I don't think she likes baths too much. By this point, she was really hungry!

After 5 months of no scrapbooking, I finally got to do a page! Reagan's first page for her first scrapbook! I'm still trying to get my room together though. I've got stuff everywhere and it's next to impossible to find anything. I've decided to hang pegboard on a couple of walls to store stuff. I can't wait to get it finished and everything put away! I've got to go back to Lowe's though because the guy who cut my 1x2s doesn't know how to measure!

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