Happy New Year!

Well, another year is upon us. I think we're just going to stay in this evening. I bought some sparkling white grape juice to ring in the new year. I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Our Christmas was just great! My parents came in town and stayed a while. We had a nice big Christmas at our house. Not quite the Griswold version, but a good number of people. Santa brought me a new laptop! I'm having so much fun with it. It's nice to just crawl into bed at night and check my email or just get on the web and look around.
Ethan seemed to enjoy Christmas. He still doesn't understand the whole concept, but I think next year will be different. Santa brought him a tricycle, a Woody (Toy Story) doll and a talking Yoda. Yoda is quite cool. He tells stories from all 6 movies and asks trivia questions. Pretty neat!
Well, I wish everyone a prosperous and happy 2006!